
2024 Industry Positions - notification of results | Issue 198

Apr 4, 2024

NZDFA Executive Committee Positions

One nomination was received for the two vacancies created by the retirement of rotation of current members, Karen Middelberg and Jamie Ward (appointed) and this nomination is declared elected unopposed:

  • Karen Middelberg, Hawkes Bay (nominated Evan Potter, seconded Grant Charteris)

The remaining vacancy will be appointed by the Executive Committee as per Rule 20.1 of the NZDFA Constitution with the term running until the 2026 AGM.

Karen and the appointed member will join sitting members Mark McCoard and Justin Stevens as the 2024/25 Executive Committee


I farm in Central Hawkes Bay, running a breeding & finishing venison unit as well as velveting operation, alongside sheep and beef.

I would like to continue to represent deer farmers on the NZDFA Executive Committee for a further term. I am currently the Chair of the Selection & Appointment Panel, and the Treasurer for the NZDFA Executive Committee and have been involved with advocating for our industry over GHG emissions pricing, as well as other regulatory discussions.

NZDFA is the voice of deer farmers: I believe in the strength of our organisation and will continue to work to keep our Branches active and involved.

I have gained an in-depth knowledge of the industry over the past four years as well as have a good historical understanding of industry stakeholder relationships having been involved for thirty plus years. I am passionate about our industry and want to see farmers thriving.

NZDFA Selection and Appointments Panel (SAP) Positions

Three nominations were received for the two vacancies created by the retirement by rotation of current members, William Oliver and Graham Peck.

  • William Oliver, Taihape Ruapehu (nominated Campbell Clarke, seconded Grant Dixon)
  • Graham Peck, SCNO (nominated Lyal Cullen, seconded Hamish Orbell)
  • Dave Lawrence, SCNO (nominated John Somerville, seconded Bruce Paterson)

An election is now required. The two nominees with the highest number of votes will join sitting members Donald Whyte and Andrew Peters, alongside the Executive Committee as the 2024/25 Selection and Appointments Panel.


Voting will be online with those eligible sent a link via email (or post if there is no email on file). These were sent out via ElectioNZ ( at 12pm Thursday 4 April with the closing date of 12pm Tuesday 30 April.

Eligible voters are:

  • Those that own deer and have paid a subscription to NZDFA (Full or Life member);
  • Those who are an elected member of NZDFA; or
  • Those who have paid venison or velvet levies to Deer Industry New Zealand.

Please check your spam folder if you believe you are eligible and haven't received an email. If you do not receive voting papers, it is because we don't have the above information on file for you, or your email address we have for you is outdated. Contact us if you want to update your eligibility.



Waipa Branch NZDFA  

I am William Oliver; I have served 2 years on the SAP and ask for your support for another term. I farm 3500 deer: velvet and venison. 

I bring experience in appointment and review of directors and understand from serving on the DINZ board, the balance, and capabilities important to the success of our industry. 

Farmer voice vs specific skills. 

Considering size and resource DINZ is a high performing Industry Good Body. From experience I believe the SAP is a key component of this performance. 

NZ agriculture and farmers are facing more challenges than ever before, Government policy, access to markets, demand for high levels of food safety and sustainable production. 

It is important for DINZ’s future success to have directors with capability and experience to Govern our industry giving purpose and vision for the DINZ team. 

I bring both experience and capability which will add value to the SAP. 


South Canterbury North Otago Branch

Since I was elected on to the SAP two years ago my family has transited through a succession process resulting in two of our children and their partners now leasing farms from Sharon and I, both farming deer. With our enthusiasm for the animals undiminished, we continue to share farm some deer with them in South Canterbury. 

Consequently I now have more time to build on the experience and knowledge gained from my time on the SAP to strive to make the deer industry sustainable and profitable for future generations, while still being connected enough to understand the issues facing deer farmers today. 

The Deer Industry New Zealand board is vitally important to the sustainability of the industry. The right candidate needs the breadth of expertise and experience to compliment a cohesive team. They need to be enterprising in uncertain times and dedicated to inspire the industry towards what could be an exciting future. 

If elected, I would be honoured to contribute to the industry as a member of the SAP committee. 


Southland Branch

I am passionate about deer and the deer industry. My involvement extends over 40 years. The industry has always held appeal for the innovative people and their positive attitude has created a livestock sector that punches well above its weight. 

A lifetime of involvement in the industry has been based on what is good for the industry and not “what is in it for me”. 

I believe my contact across a broad spectrum of the industry places me in a great space to represent you on the SAP. From deer veterinary practice and deer farming, to veterinary auditor of the velvet removal programme since its inception 26 years ago, to the development of the first deer specific parasite drench registered for deer, to facilitating an AP and being a farmer member of one, to life member and past President of the NZ Elk & Wapiti Society, to long standing member of the DEERSelect Reference Group, to industry appointment on the RAP (Research Advisory Panel). 

The privilege of representing you on the SAP affords that continuum from “grass roots” having some influence to ensure that the ideal producer representatives are elected to the DINZ board for industry good. 


Deer Industry New Zealand Board producer appointed position

There is one producer-appointed position on the DINZ board open for nomination created by the retirement by rotation of Mandy Bell (seeking re-election).

Nominations for this position have been advertised in industry publications, however no nominations were received by the advertised deadline of 4pm, 22 March 2024.

NZDFA now call on further nominations for the position, with a closing date of 4pm, 12 April 2024.

The nomination form and further information can be found on the website here:

Any queries on the NZDFA and DINZ nominations and election, please get in touch with Returning Officer, Lindsay Fung, on 027 668 0141 or

Continue reading DFA Stagline Issue 198, next: 2024 Deer Industry Conference >>

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