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DINZ news in brief | Issue 111

Promising progress for China frozen velvet access | The deer industry’s China charm offensive continues | NZ Venison helps celebrate Matariki in Germany | Deer Milking NZ celebrates 10 years | SFF Kennington opens its doors to venison suppliers | Cracker of a Big Day Out for Massey University’s vet students | Hickey appointed as interim chair for DINZ board and more...


US retail project signed and sealed for venison, next is delivery

Deer Industry NZ (DINZ) launched its North American Retail Accelerator project on 1 July after the Ministry for Primary Industries approved DINZ’s SFF Futures funding application. The project will create a “robust and stable market in North America”, which will diversify the deer industry’s export base and create sustainable growth for deer farmers, says DINZ interim CEO Rhys Griffiths.


Venison outlook: Good demand, with farmgate prices largely to build on last year’s stability

Venison companies are focused on extracting maximum value from the US market, alongside their other marketing work in the EU and Asian markets. Demand is steady but challenges continue, they say. While still early days, exporters report farmgate prices are expected to build on last year’s stability.


“Incredible honour”: Deer farmers win top sustainable farming award

Deer farmers Hamish and Simon Guild, of Canterbury’s High Peak Station, say it is “an incredible honour” to have been named as the 2024 National Ambassadors for Sustainable Farming and Growing and recipients of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards Gordon Stephenson Trophy.


Deer Industry News Issue 122 June 2024

Editorial: Keep squeezing | Meet and Greet: Comms man Cam | Velvet access conversations ongoing | Submission on emissions | Special feature: Conference 2024 | NZDFA: Another challenging season | Award winning and picture-perfect | High achievers at High Peak | The Rangimoe legacy | Looking at deer through the Wormwise lens and more...
