Here you can find information about support services in the industry, ranging from educational events, to groups that come together to identify opportunities on farm.

Disaster Relief
In the immediate aftermath of severe weather events, help may be a long way and several days or weeks away. The best people to go to for help in those circumstances are your deer farming neighbours. Our deer farming community has a long history of farmers helping farmers.

Professional services
Good decisions are assisted by knowledgeable advice. Deer aren’t just big sheep or small cows, they have unique characteristics which are rewarding when well managed. Farmers benefit when the rural advisers they work with have a good understanding of deer farming.

Deer Facts
For information on deer including genetics, more about the national genetics database DEERSelect, biology, deer health, reproduction, transporting deer and more.

Farm planning
In 2023 Deer Industry New Zealand was successful in being selected as a recipient of the Integrated Farm Planning Acceleration Fund from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). This additional funding allows us to provide additional tailored support to our deer farmers.

Advance Parties
An Advance Party is a well-supported group of motivated deer farmers who work together to identify opportunities to improve profits on their deer farms.

Deer Industry Environment Groups
Farmers coming together to help each other identify what needs to be done to improve their farm environments, and showing each other how to do it, with some professional guidance when needed.

Events in the industry
Find out what events are happening in the deer industry, whether it be an Industry Focus Farm, discussion group, Industry Conference or similar, you can find more information on those here.
Planning and financial management
The profitability of deer farming varies greatly from farm to farm, even between farms operating similar stocking policies in the same district. Lower profitability is usually the end result of lower productivity.
Podcasts and webinars
All the latest podcasts, webinars and educational videos from Deer Industry NZ.

P2P - A Deer Industry initiative
'P2P' or 'Passion to Profit' is a deer industry programme aimed at improving the profitability of farming deer and ensuring a thriving industry for generations to come.