The Fallow Deer Society was established to encourage, educate, and support the farming of Fallow Deer in New Zealand.

About the NZ Fallow Society
The Fallow Deer Society was established to encourage, educate, and support the farming of Fallow Deer in New Zealand.

Fallow deer adapt to many different climatic/farming environments. Minimal intervention is required once the basics infrastructure is in place. The daily management of these hardy animals is fairly easy care with minimal handling requirements.
Tag information
Deer joined the NAIT scheme on March 1, 2013. From this date, deer farmers, deer tag manufacturers, sale yards that deal with deer and meat works that slaughter deer will be legally required to comply with the NAIT Act.

Breeders in the NZ Fallow Deer Society can be found here.

Useful links
Useful links related to the deer industry.