
Webinar: Covid-19 On Deer Farms | Issue 173

Dec 3, 2021

As New Zealand moves from alert levels to the ‘traffic light’ system for managing Covid-19, there is understandable anxiety from the farming community about what is going to happen next.

Join us for a short webinar on Friday 10th December at midday (12:00), where GM Quality Assurance, Rob Gregory, will:

  • Explain what will happen if you or someone on the farm tests positive for Covid-19.
  • Outline the importance of having a plan to manage the farm if the above happens.
  • Discuss the risks around human to animal transmission of the disease and what you can do about it.
  • Advise on best practice for minimising the spread of Covid-19 into other areas of the supply chain.

Please click on the link below to register for the webinar. Places are limited, so act now to secure your spot.


In the meantime, if you or any of your family/staff feel unwell, or are showing any signs of having Covid-19, please get tested, take plenty of rest and do not work closely with your animals until you have fully recovered. If that is not possible, then take all reasonable precautions to avoid spreading the disease, including wearing a mask/gloves during work time, cleaning all surfaces/equipment you come into contact with and regularly sanitising/washing your hands.


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