
Nominations for Industry Leadership Positions | Issue 208

Mar 13, 2025

Nominations for industry leadership positions

Now more than ever your voices are important to ensure farmer interests are properly represented at the industry level as well as with government and other primary industry organisations. If you feel you have something to offer or know of someone who fits one of these roles, we welcome your nomination.

*** Nominations close at 5 pm, 4 April 2025 ***


NZDFA positions

There are four NZDFA appointed positions up for nomination as they become available by rotation (appointment by nomination and election, if necessary).

The following members are up for re-election or retirement:

  • Andrew Peters (SAP, elected 2023)
  • Donald Whyte (SAP, elected 2023)
  • Mark McCoard (Executive Committee, elected 2023)
  • Justin Stevens (Executive Committee 2023, not seeking re-election)

Deer Industry New Zealand – NZDFA appointed board member

The DINZ board guides the actions that DINZ is taking to accelerate the industry recovery and give confidence that we have a sustainable and profitable future. There are two Producer Representative position vacancies due to retirement by rotation from the DINZ Board:

  • Hamish Fraser (appointed 2022)
  • Jacqueline Rowarth (appointed 2022)

Nominees will have an opportunity to address the NZDFA AGM in May and will be interviewed in June by the NZDFA SAP to decide on the best candidate. 

Nominations must be received at the DINZ office (email: by 5 pm 4 April 2025.

Nomination forms and further information are found here: Nomination forms.

Continue reading DFA Stagline Issue 208

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