
Landify Ltd - Making partnerships in farming more accessible | Issue 203

Sep 13, 2024

Landify Ltd

We’ve recently created a company, called Landify, which aims to make partnerships in farming more accessible. 


  • We know many established farmers are looking for options to step back in a way that avoids the sale of the family farm. 
  • There are also extremely capable and profit-focused younger farmers in our communities who want to gain and grow their ownership stake in the industry. 
  • Other families are interested in becoming passive investors in existing or future family farming operations.

Landify is a platform where these parties can privately explore farming partnership options. 

How Landify works:

Go to to sign up to our free monthly newsletter. Browse anonymous listings each month from:

  • Farming businesses open to exploring lease or equity arrangements with next generation farmers
  • Next generation farmers seeking lease or equity opportunities

Investors open to backing existing or future family farming operations

Become verified so you can enquire about listings, and if you like, make your own listing.

  • This process takes 10-15min, and requires you to answer some questions about your business goals and motivations for exploring possible partnerships. The information you provide us is kept confidential, unless you decide otherwise.
  • You then pay an annual subscription of $499, granting you one free 12 month anonymous listing, and unlimited enquiries about other listings.

This verification process is to ensure only serious contenders engage in the platform. It also populates a brief 'bio' which, with your permission, can be released to parties whose listings you want to enquire about. This will allow them to decide whether their needs align with yours, and if they contact you. 

List what you're looking for

Once verified, you can make an anonymous listing, briefly sharing what your situation is and the kinds of partnerships you're willing to explore.  

Each listing is live for 12 months, or until you remove it. You’ll be notified when another verified member wants to enquire about your listing. View their bio and decide whether you would like to contact them. You can remain anonymous until then.

Agents, advisors or the team at Landify can help farmers make listings.

Receive enquires and connect with potential partner

As listers receive enquiries, they can choose whether to make contact with those parties or not. 

  • We strongly recommend an independent facilitator is involved if parties choose to connect.
  • We also strongly recommend all parties get independent advice when considering possible farming partnerships. We are building a database of service providers who specialise in this area. If you or your firm would like to be listed in our database, contact us.

Success for Landify would be that established farmers use the platform to privately consider partnership possibilities, before deciding to go to the open market.

Success would also be that younger farmers use the platform and be prompted to think seriously and realistically about their goals, their planning, and that they surround themselves with good advisors to put their best foot forward. 

Sarah How and Tara Dwyer Co-Founders of Landify Ltd

Continue reading DFA Stagline Issue 203

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