
Executive Committee Update | Issue 208

Mar 13, 2025

Executive Committee Report 

I have just finished a hard morning’s work watching our beef calves being weaned, yes you did read that right. You see I am currently as useful physically, as the proverbial tits on a bull, having a week ago finally had my shoulder put back together after rolling the quad post Cyclone Gabriel. While it has been a frustrating journey to-date, and a likely theme of my next twelve weeks I was reminded of a couple of things this morning. 

Firstly, as I was watching my 80 plus year old father in-law draft grumpy cows away from active calves (ably assisted by our far younger worker) I remembered a saying, “You don’t stop doing things because you get old. You get old because you stop doing things, never stop” He was in his happy place and as young at heart as he was many decades ago. His daughter on the other hand has probably aged considerably due to the stress and worry of her father’s antics, while I am tiptoeing along a very thin line trying to delicately balance the needs of both.

This brings me to my second thought, “Only worry about that which you can control”, so bearing that in-mind I thought I would take the opportunity to remind you all of a few things coming up that you can do something about if you choose.

Your Industry, Your Voice

Now more than ever your voices are important to ensure farmer interests are properly represented at the industry level as well as with government and other primary industry organisations. If you feel you have something to offer, or know of someone who fits one of these roles, get their nominations in.

  • Two positions on the NZDFA Executive Committee
  • Two positions on the NZDFA Selection and Appointment Panel
  • Two positions on the DINZ Board (to be appointed by the NZDFA Selection and Appointment Panel)

Nominations close at 5pm on the 4th of April

Celebrating 50 years of the DFA

This year’s industry conference is in Queenstown, it looks to be both informative as well as a trip down memory lane, I know of advance parties timing trips to coincide with this event and many experienced faces planning on attending. It will be a fantastic opportunity to catch-up and both celebrate the industries journey to date, while hearing about the vision for the next 50 years from our current leaders. Register now.

13 May - Join us for a pre-conference dinner on the TSS Earnslaw, the cruise will sail across to Walter Peak where guests will enjoy a gourmet BBQ meal.

14 May - The industry conference featuring trade stands from our sponsors. A highlight of the conference will be the awards dinner which will feature presentations to the winners of the Matuschka, Deer Industry and Environment awards as well as announcing the winners of the MSD/Allflex Deer Industry Photo Competition.

15 May - Field day at Fairlight Station

Integrated Farm Planning

Currently our industry has some funds from MPI to help deer farmers with farm planning, if you as an individual, as part of a group, or even a branch, have a need that this initiative may be able to help with, then contact Amy Wills to discuss how she can assist (


This season has been challenging with delayed access and rumours of underhand tactics all contributing to a decrease in prices from last season. While all of this information has been passed onto the board, it got me thinking about what we can control. Obviously we have no say in price, but we do get to influence the following;

  • Quantity and quality of velvet produced, both individually and as an industry
  • Who we sell to and when (within reason)
  • Diversification – our businesses reliance on velvet income
  • Timing and dispersal of surplus velveting stags

While each business will make its own choices based on its unique set of circumstances it is timely to point out that the choices we make as individuals not only directly affect ourselves but have a cumulative effect on the whole industry.


All levy paying members would have received on the 3rd of March an email outlining the following.

On the 31st March 7pm we will be holding an online Special General Meeting for members of the Association who are eligible to vote, this is so required changes to our constitution can be passed for re-registration under the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

So I will return to tiptoeing along a very thin line while trying to delicately balance the needs of both my wife and father in-law and leave you to have your say on that you can control or at the very least influence.

Cheers Evan

Continue reading DFA Stagline Issue 208

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