Trophy animals are stags that are bred out to carry a full hard antler head. The market for these animals are traditionally Game Estate Parks where they are released for hunting tourism ventures.
Transport QA programme >>
Trophy Transportation
Deer for transportation shall have no hard antler or velvet growth greater than 60mm in length; the only exception to this being when trophy stags in hard antler are being transported, in which case deer must be placed in individual pens.
For detailed advice on the management of velvet and trophy stags, click here >>
NAIT regulations for Trophy Animals
- Tags on trophy stags may be removed with NAIT's permission if they are being sent to a game park. This can be done by the game park operator or on the farm of origin if this is safer. NAIT needs to be informed if a tag is removed and must also be advised of the change in the animal’s location.
- Trophy Parks or Game Estate Parks must first register as such with NAIT and cannot be both a farm and a Park.
For more information on NAIT regulations, contact NAIT directly >>
Difference between velvet and trophy stags?
Velvet production is based on beam size, thickness, weight and blood component whereas a trophy head will be evaluated on the number and length of tynes, spread and style, none of which are critical for velvet.
NZAGE Industry Agreed Standards
Trophy Parks or Game Estate Parks in NZ are registered. Those that come under the guidelines of the NZAGE (New Zealand Association of Game Estates) are also verified under their minimum standards of which members are accredited and must abide by the Industry Agreed Standards (IAS).
The IAS categorise the various components that constitute a game estate operation and provide a minimum standard for each. This is in order to provide a better hunting experience for the hunter and a better environment for the animal.
Approved, fully-audited member properties must meet ALL of the criteria listed in the IAS. For more information about NZAGE contact Simon Guild on or 027 868 2415.
- IAS Categories
- The Animal
- The Land
- Facilities
- Personnel
- Equipment
- The Client
- Safety
- Sound Commercial Practice